Holly Regan: Writer | Editor | Content Marketer

E-Books, Research Reports and White Papers

When you really need to cover a subject in depth.

To go deeper with a topic or story, consider an e-book, research report or white paper. These long-form pieces allow you to present research findings and survey data; cover a subject comprehensively; conduct historical research; dive deep on an industry trend; assemble a collection of case studies; and more.

I will draw upon extensive primary and secondary research to produce the most authoritative content possible. This can include creating a custom survey of your customers or the general public; drawing from your research or internal data; interviewing current and potential customers; and conducting web-based research.

e-book: wowza ultimate guide to facebook live streaming


white paper: latency scenarios for every use case

Note that pricing for all services is negotiated based on project and subject-matter complexity; the amount of research, travel and/or interviews required; content length; and frequency.

Contact me today to learn what I can do for you!

hello@bardcreativecontent.com / 253.937.6602