70% of people prefer to learn about a company through articles rather than ads—and 82% feel more positive about a company after reading its custom content.
—Source: Demand Metric
Publishing regular, short-form content (up to 500 words) about your business and industry is a cornerstone of any digital marketing strategy. You need to be consistent to raise awareness for your brand, and this should be the most common type of content you create.
But if you want to become a trusted industry resource, sometimes you’ll need to publish some really meaty content (800 words and longer). I can write a compelling story for your blog, share an in-depth case study or deep-dive on an industry topic. Want to publish outside your own channels? I can help your company create guest blogs for relevant sites.
If you’re an individual, business leader or group with a compelling tale, I also write profile pieces and journalistic articles to pitch to third-party publications. Contact me and we’ll discuss the best approach for sharing your story with the world.
short blog post: celebrate the season with these spirit & food Pairings (picobrew brewpost)
long blog post: city of corona case study (wowza blog)
feature article: figurehead brewing company turns 3 (washington beer blog)
PROFILE PIECE: from class project to pike place market with joe chocolate co.
Note that pricing for all services is negotiated based on project and subject-matter complexity; the amount of research, travel and/or interviews required; content length; and frequency.